Camas helps our clients maneuver through state and federal permitting requirements across the United States. Whether your project must comply with state statutes, like CEQA and SEPA, or has federal requirements, such as NEPA or ESA compliance or FERC Licensing process, Camas is there to ensure that permitting is accomplished efficiently and correctly.  Camas facilitates client and agency interactions that result in the shortest possible permitting timelines. By establishing these communication channels early in the process, Camas is able to develop permitting packages that are easily reviewed and approved by regulators. Both the client and relevant agencies are then confident that compliance measures meet the needs of all parties.

  • ▪ California Lake or Streambed Alteration Agreements
    ▪ Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) Permits
    ▪ California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
    ▪ Washington State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA)
    ▪ FERC Licensing
    ▪ FERC Dam & Public Safety
    ▪ NEPA Compliance
    ▪ Field Monitoring
    ▪ Biological Mitigation Measures
    ▪ Incidental Take Permits (State & Federal)
    ▪ SWPPP Development and Monitoring