Location: Harbor, Oregon
Client: Harbor Water PUD
Overview: Harbor Water PUD uses a Ranney Collector on the south bank of the Chetco River to draw groundwater for residential and commercial use. In the 40+ years since construction, the river has migrated toward the south, causing erosion of gravel around the Collector. This has led to structural instability and a reduction in water quality due to periodic salt intrusion. Camas has assisted Harbor Water by leading efforts to identify the root cause of the water quality issue, overseeing civil engineering design to stabilize the riverbank, identifying and applying for FEMA funding to complete the riverbank stabilization, and managing the regulatory process at the federal and state level. Camas has also worked with Harbor Water on a major update to its water code ordinances and development of a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan to identify actions to protect life safety and infrastructure from natural hazards such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, and wildfires.