Location: Oregon and California
Client: Klamath River Renewal Corporation (KRRC)
Overview: In order to create a free-flowing river allowing volitional fish passage, four PacifiCorp-operated hydroelectric dams (J.C. Boyle, Copco No. 1, Copco No. 2, and Iron Gate) located on the lower Klamath River in California and Oregon, are in the process of being decommissioned and demolished following the 2022 surrender of the operating license to the Klamath River Renewal Corporation and the States of Oregon and California. The first dam was removed in 2023, and removal of the remaining developments commenced in January 2024. In addition to accomplishing volitional fish passage, over 40 miles of river habitat will be restored over the next few years, bolstering river health and recreational opportunities long-term. This restoration effort consists of strategic and physical alterations of the reservoirs and tributary areas to maximize ecological recovery.
Camas LLC serves a critical role by leading the Compliance Management Program for the Project. Camas LLC is responsible for ensuring environmental compliance and obtaining the necessary regulatory permits for the removal of four dams and subsequent restoration efforts throughout habitat rehabilitation. This Program is structured to successfully guide the construction design, planning, and implementation process to ensure compliance with local, state, and federal regulations during the entire length of the Project. More information about the Lower Klamath Dam Removal Project is available on the KRRC’s project website.
Klamath Dam Removal Products
Shop products like this cap worn by Governor Newsom and his team.
Location: Crook County, Oregon
Client: PacifiCorp
Overview: PacifiCorp is providing additional transmission capacity to a large industrial customer located in Crook County, Oregon that includes three substations and multiple miles of transmission line. Camas is responsible for obtaining the necessary Crook County Conditional Use Permits, landowner approvals, as well as providing biological monitoring for sensitive nesting bird species. Camas acts as the interface between PacifiCorp and agencies such as Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife and US Fish and Wildlife Service.
Location: Medford, Oregon
Client: City of Medford
Overview: The City of Medford has taken on the role of Responsible Entity to obtain Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Community Block Development Grants (CBDG). The grants allow the City to build affordable housing for low-income families. Camas guides the City of Medford through the HUD National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) process and provides additional environmental analysis such as Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessments. To date, Camas has helped acquire funds for eight affordable housing projects and that number continues to grow.
Location: Kern County, California
Client: Mustang Hills, LLC
Overview: In October of 2015 a flood event occurred in Kern County that resulted in extensive damage to roads inside the Mustang Hills wind energy facility. Camas supported the wind facility by preparing a CDFW Streambed Alteration Agreement (SAA) and RWQCB 401 Water Quality Application. During construction Camas ensured permit compliance by performing necessary biological and construction monitoring as well as implementing re-vegetation compliance measures, such as hydroseeding and shrub plantings. Camas is responsible for the Kern County Conditional Use Permit and Mustang Hills Incidental Take Permit ongoing compliance. In addition, Camas has recently completed a SAA for Operation and Maintenance of the wind facility with a lifespan of 30 years.
Location: Harbor, Oregon
Client: Harbor Water PUD
Overview: Harbor Water PUD uses a Ranney Collector on the south bank of the Chetco River to draw groundwater for residential and commercial use. In the 40+ years since construction, the river has migrated toward the south, causing erosion of gravel around the Collector. This has led to structural instability and a reduction in water quality due to periodic salt intrusion. Camas has assisted Harbor Water by leading efforts to identify the root cause of the water quality issue, overseeing civil engineering design to stabilize the riverbank, identifying and applying for FEMA funding to complete the riverbank stabilization, and managing the regulatory process at the federal and state level. Camas has also worked with Harbor Water on a major update to its water code ordinances and development of a Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan to identify actions to protect life safety and infrastructure from natural hazards such as floods, landslides, earthquakes, and wildfires.
Location: North America
Client: Brookfield Renewable Partners
Overview: Brookfield adopted the Canadian Dam Association (CDA) Guidelines for conducting risk assessments on their 218 hydro facilities. Camas supports Brookfield by providing training for key personnel on CDA methodology, supporting staff during risk assessments and preparing findings reports. In addition to training, Camas provides easy-to-follow reporting templates so that employees may create future risk assessment reports without assistance.
Camas facilitated in the rescue of a distressed female bald eagle as well as her eventual release. Once rescued, she was treated at the California Raptor Center and, after approximately four weeks, she was then released back into her original territory. We are very grateful to have participated in such a unique and amazing experience.